KDK Archaeology services
- Watching Briefs
Watching briefs may be required on sites where there is a possibility that archaeological remains might be encountered. The groundworks undertaken by the building contractor are observed and recorded by an experienced archaeologist, working to the developer's timetable. This might include the excavation of footings trenches, drainage trenches, soakaways and any significant ground reduction.
- Evaluations
Archaeological evaluation in the form of trial trenching or test pitting, samples a percentage of the development's footprint in order to determine the presence or absence of archaeological remains, and assesses the nature and extent of any archaeology encountered on a site. The results of the evaluation are submitted to the planning authority to assist in determining whether there is a need for further archaeological work on the site.
- Historic Building Archaeology
Assessments of historic buildings are often undertaken as part of the planning process and, increasingly, as a preliminary exercise to gain a better understanding of the building and its environment and therefore possible constraints on future development proposals. Preliminary assessments such as these include a building survey and historical research to provide a statement of significance that, under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), needs to be submitted as part of a planning application. A more detailed recording of the historic building to include a detailed photographic survey may be asked for as a condition of planning permission, which will ensure that the building is fully recorded before any alterations take place. In some instances a watching brief is also asked for so that historic building fabric is recorded as it is revealed during building works. Karin, our buildings archaeologist, has considerable experience in working with historic buildings of all types and ages, from medieval timber framed buildings to late 20th century school complexes. We are able to assist in all manner of projects from inspecting and recording individual features within a building to recording large complexes. Our passion for the built environment means that we are as happy working on a derelict shed or a 20th century office block as on a beautifully crafted medieval church. We can also provide a Measured Building Survey, with both internal floor plans, and external elevations.
- Church Archaeology
Archaeological requirements within churches and churchyards can be as varied as in the secular environment. It differs from other archaeology in two aspects; the fact that it takes place within a place of religious significance and that it can be a requirement of the church authorities rather than local planning office. In some cases, both parties may be involved. Wherever the condition for archaeological involvement has originated from, church archaeology requires a considered, respectful and tactful approach. This applies as much to historic building recording within the church as it does to dealing with human remains during groundworks within either the church or its precinct. KDK’s academic specialism is medieval ecclesiastical sites and actively promotes a dedicated and cost-effective archaeological service to Parish Council Committees in eastern England. Our practical experience in church archaeology started at Southwark Cathedral, since when we have undertaken historic building surveys, excavations, monitoring and recording projects of restoration and ground works as well as churchyard surveys.
- Topographical Survey
Topographical surveys are used map the shape and form of a monument, site, or archaeological features, providing an accurate representation of the variation in the contours. The resulting data can be presented to suit your requirements, ranging from simple plans to 3D models.
- Desk-based Archaeology
Desk-based archaeology is usually requested to support clients' planning applications, or as a private assessment of risk to an areas heritage, prior to purchase. Our role is to provide an objective view of risk to the site's heritage, and to make recommendations to minimise the impact upon it posed by the development.
- Heritage Impact Assessment / Statement of Significance
The National Planning Policy Framework introduced in 2012 requires the significance of the development site to be assessed through desk based study as part of the planning application process. This will identify not only the significance of the site or heritage assets on it but also its significance within its setting. This can prove invaluable in informing the development proposals as recommendations can be made on how best to minimise its impact. It is also a useful means of identifying the level of archaeological sensitivity before purchasing a site. KDK provides an objective view of the site’s significance and the potential impact of its development. We can offer a full study of a site or a simpler report that can be included in an environmental impact assessment or access and design statement.
- Geophysics
We offer a geophysical surveying service using both magnetometry and resistivity. Geophysics provides a valuable, non-invasive way to potentially locate some types of archaeological features.
- Excavations
Open area excavation is usually required when previous, less intrusive investigation such as an evaluation or geophysical survey, has demonstrated the presence of significant archaeological remains on the site. The excavation is undertaken once a Written Scheme of Investigation has been prepared and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Once the archaeological fieldwork is complete, the finds and environmental samples are sent to specialists whose analyses is included in an assessment report which outlines the results of the work and forms a design proposal for the analytical work required for a detailed report of the findings. If the archaeology is of sufficient interestĀ and the client agrees excavation canĀ be combined with outreach work, such as involving local school groups or voluntary organisations, or media involvement. Whatever the size and significance of the excavation, KDK provides a friendly and efficient service that ensures the project progresses as smoothly as possible and to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders.
- Publications and Exhibitions
Publication can take the form of anything from technical reports, articles in academic journals, or monographs, through to more popular reports aimed at disseminating the findings to a wider audience. Exhibitions and talks are also effective additional means of informing a wider audience, and KDK has extensive experience in both these fields.
- Business Services
KDK has in-house environmental processing facilities (wet sieving). Bulk samples can either be just processed or a fuller service including analysis and reporting can also be provided.
We also offer osteological analysis both human and animal. Please phone or email for further details.